Stephen Pope
Liberating the Spirit of the Hebrew teachings
on Creation, Creativity and the Sacred Feminine and Masculine
Stephen Pope B.D. M.A. comes from the tradition of Kabbalah which is non-religious. He brings out the essence of the ancient teachings simply and directly and presents fresh translations of biblical texts that liberate them from the distortions caused by centuries of mistranslation, misogyny and hierarchical thinking.
“I present the essence of the teachings as simply and directly as possible. They are so needed now, at this point of acute crisis in human evolution, because they contain the truth of who we really are, as human beings, and they illuminate our relationship with our follow creatures and the planet, the solar system and the entire cosmos.”
“The teachings of Kabbalah tell us that the whole of existence is conscious and responsive. All is a manifestation of the One Consciousness, which is expressing itself through the unfolding of the Great Beauty of diverse life, in multiple dimensions.
The Creation is not a past event: it is ever-present within us, here and now. As we free our minds from the grip of compulsive thinking and become still and present, we consciously receive that outpouring of creative Life from the formless Source. This is the essence of Kabbalah, which comes from the Hebrew root meaning “to receive.”
When we are open and receptive, Life teaches us directly. The beings of the natural world can also become our teachers and help us to awaken more fully. We begin to participate consciously in the unfolding beauty of Creation, in communion with the natural world and all the creatures of the Creation.
I have degrees in biblical studies and I studied Hebrew at university level for five years, which was a very valuable experience. However my main source of inspiration comes through meditating on the Hebrew letters, which is how they were originally intended to be taught and received. This is how I teach the sacred dimension of the Hebrew letters now: through meditation and the conscious breath, allowing them to come alive within.
I also work with the hidden Feminine Wisdom within Kabbalah, in particular the Song of Songs and the Mary Magdalene Mysteries. The Hebrew poetry of the Song of Songs is among the most profound and beautiful expressions of spiritual awakening – in Love for all Life, in Spirit and in Flesh.
An Essential Conversation held by Cécile Masson with Stephen Pope
Eleanor O'Hanlon
The Way of the Animal Powers
Sarah McCrum
Love Money, Money Loves You
Daven Lee
The Power of the Yin
Cécile Masson
Coaching and advice
Barbara Cecil
Cofounder of the CIYO feminine leadership Program
Anja Kreuger
Collective Walks and Gene Keys
Cécile Masson
A Letter of Love to Life
Sandra en Louis Bohtlingk
Care First World