The Shop
In this shop you will find books to read, cards to get a dialogue going, and plenty of inspiration and transformation opportunities in the form of coaching, courses and free offerings.
All offerings have been carefully selected to meet the core principles that guide our work. We have a compassionate action focus, demonstrable commitment to the generative alignment with the web of life and stimulate embodied consciousness.
Enjoy browsing and reading!
In the library you can either buy or browse through various books as you explore. All books have been carefully selected for their contributing content to support the work we offer.
Rose, Letters of Love to Life
By Cécile Masson
Rose, letters of love to life, is a literary novel that invites also to sense and is an open invitation to slow down and get personal again.
Encouraged by the letters of her ex-lover, Rose, an elderly female head of a family business looks back on her life and reveals her personal thoughts and feelings.
To stay true to herself, she questioned the traditional ways of leadership and treatment of nature. Her genuine love for the diversity of nature and mankind, her body and spirituality were her guides to take crystal-clear decisions to protect her community and come into her own as a female leader.
A book about feminine leadership & stewardship that inspires action for the environment through spiritual awakening and feminine embodiment.
Coming Into Your Own: A woman's Guide through Life Transitions
By Barbara Cecil
Coming Into Your Own describes the inherent “field of possibility” that lives just under the storylines of our lives. This invisible field contains the potential that is uniquely our own. The book also outlines specific, universal phases of transition in what Cecil has named the "Wheel of Change." She calls these phases “Dwelling Places” because we must dwell in each one for as long as it takes to fulfill the promise of that stage. Identifying where we are on this map is greatly relieving. Once we know where we are, we understand how to make contact with the underlying field of possibility that will, in turn, inform our choices and give meaning to our lives.
If your life is falling apart, or you are feeling confused or disoriented in the wake of loss or are reaching for a deeper sense of self in the next stage of your life, here is a clear map to guide and support you through the terrain of change. Barbara’s experience with hundreds of women in the throes of transition, translates into wisdom that redefines what it means to be a woman at this time.
Love Money, Money Loves you
By Sarah McCrum
Money is interwoven through every moment of our lives, connecting us all in an invisible web of exchange. When you change your relationship with money, you change your relationship with life.
‘Love Money, Money Loves You’, reveals a deeper truth about what money really is, how it works, and how you can form a healthier, happier relationship with it.
This book is for you if you are touched by beauty and creativity and love. You know deep inside that there’s a way of living and organising society that works for all of us, not just a few of us. It’s a book for people who care about life and purpose and generosity.
Eyes of the Wild: Journeys of transformation with the Animal Powers
By Eleanor O'Hanlon
From Baja California to the Arctic pack ice, Eyes of the Wild takes the reader on an epic, personal journey to meet whales and wolves, bears and wild horses, guided by outstanding biologists and other observers who are renewing an ancient way of connection with the wild. Their scientific research meets the indigenous wisdom which understands the animals as guides to deeper relationship with life.
Eyes of the wild was awarded the Nautilus Gold Book Award for Nature Writing and has won praise from leading ecological voices for its innovative blend of personal experience, science, story-telling and spiritual insight.
Enjoy the fun!
Cards are a delightful tool for self-reflection and to initiate a meaningful dialogue. Playful as they are, they invite laughter and tears, get the imagination going and help celebrating life.
The Power of The Yin Oracle Deck For Women
You know you carry a special power that, once accessed, will not only make your own life better, but can change the world. This power is different from the one we have been accustomed to. It is not coercive, dominating or exploitative. It is not based on scarcity and false limitations.
This is a power in harmony with Nature and Life itself. It is a healing and creative power: timeless and abundant, while being subtle and often invisible. How do you begin to access a power that is both innate and nuanced? A power that is ineffable, centered in the body rather than the mind, both ancient and emergent?
The Power of the Yin Oracle Deck is a set of 56 cards, created in collaboration with artist D. Yael Bernhard who is creating original works of art to illustrate each card of Daven’s poetic text. This deck is currently live on Kickstarter, where supporters can pledge to pre-order the deck while funding the final stages of its creation.
Enjoy and expand your potential one on one!
A gift to yourself, to friends or employees is to overcome challenges and create the life you want. Cécile’s pragmatic and generative coaching style brings demonstrable results that unfolds your leadership potential and love of life.
MBraining with Cécile Masson
For those ready to transform themselves and their field of influence
Why use only one brain if you have at least three? mBraining is the process of aligning and harnessing the power of your multiple intelligences (head, heart and gut 'brains') through a series of practical coaching methods and exercises: multiple Brain Integration Techniques (mBIT®).
Each multiple intelligence has a competency or 'highest expression' that produces synergistic effects and brings greater wisdom to decision-making, relationships and life. These highest expressions are compassion (cardiac - heart), creativity (cephalic - head) and courage (enteric - gut).
mBIT®'s ground-breaking coaching methods supports clients to eliminate "stuckness", remove blockages over goals, face unknown fears, quieten internal chatter, connect with their inner self, improve confidence, discover authentic desires and ultimately reach their peak performance.
Book your session in Dutch, English, French or Italian
The Power of the Yin: The Sacred Path of Healing, Wholeness, and Empowerment
A Soul Listening session
Daven offers a very special one-on-one journey for women. In her words:
“I am passionate about supporting women to experience a new relationship with their sexual energy, or what I call the Sexual Soul.
Your Sexual Soul needs time and devoted attention to unfold and awaken.
It needs a sacred space and the opportunity to be healed.
It wants to move and be embodied.
Its unique voice wants to be heard. Its blueprint wants to be seen.
It wants to be honored and loved, and to come into its full power to serve and delight you.”
If you ready to make a significant commitment to this beautiful expression of your essence, Contact Daven for a free Soul Listening Session to explore working together through a deep-dive journey.
Enjoy and expand your potential in a group!
All courses offered explore the relationship between your presence and the web of life we experience on planet earth. The common thread they have is that they are on the pioneering edge of leadership & stewardship practices that combine a pragmatic business sense with conscious evolution and creativity that comes from the heart.
A Letter of Love to Life with Author and Founder of the Garden of Rose
How to enliven your love of life appreciate your own presence in relation to others
With Cécile Masson
A program to unfold your potential for a life in harmony. In a small group of up to twelve participants you will explore the dimensions of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing to create your own unique Letter of Love to Life.
You can freely colour this ‘letter’ with artistic flair, intellectual acuity or a gesture full of loving-kindness. This letter can take the shape of a painting, a business plan, a dance, or an article you want to publish.
Howto Rebalance your Relationship with Money
An eye-opening journey of self-discovery and impact and bring more clarity and simplicity into your life
With Sarah McCrum
Sarah is a teacher and author who helps people create a healthy relationship with money, based on the principles of her book, Love Money, Money Loves You.
Her work is founded on 30 years of personal practice, 22 years of training with Chinese Masters and two decades of coaching business owners and leaders. Over 10,000 people have joined her online courses about money.
How to reconnect with wild life on a deeply personal level
Nature connection to awaken the senses and the soul
With Eleanor O’Hanlon
Eleanor is a writer and conservationist, with a passion for re-connecting with the inner, spiritual dimension of our relationship with wild animals and the natural world. Through her research and fieldwork, she realized what it means to come alive as a human being – awake and present to the immense intelligence of the living planet, as it radiates in splendour within the unity of Being. From this awakening, we can hear, and truly respond to the burning call of this time to love, protect, and companion all life.
The Power of the Yin
How to connect to balance your inner masculine and feminine consciousness for the benefit of your lie’s expression
With Daven Lee
Daven is the founder of the Yin Center and the director of the Yin Center Conference. Through her original work, the Power of the Yin, Daven helps strong, sensitive women connect with and embody the source of their true power so they can lead with wisdom, creativity, energy and potency. The uniqueness of her work is informed by the ancient shamanic art of qigong, sacred Daoist sexuality, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, and other somatic healing and movement arts.
Entering the Mystical Dimension of the Hebrew Letters
How to enliven your love of life
With Stephen Pope
A 6 week online foundational course that opens up the spiritual depths of the Hebrew Letter-Numbers and some of their key sacred texts, by approaching them through meditation, contemplation and the breath. Tuesday evenings from April 11-May 16.
For one on one coaching sessions with Cécile check out her coaching proposition or reach out to her directly. With her 25+ years accompanying internationally private clients, politicians and business owners she could just help you too take the next step in your career or private life with clarity and ease.
Discover The Garden of Rose
Eleanor O'Hanlon
The Way of the Animal Powers
Daven Lee
The Power of the Yin
Cécile Masson
Coaching and advice
Barbara Cecil
Cofounder of the CIYO feminine leadership Program
Anja Kreuger
Collective Walks and Gene Keys
Stephen Pope
Liberating the Spirit of Hebrew Teachings
Cécile Masson
A Letter of Love to Life
Sarah McCrum
Love Money, Money Loves You